Wednesday, October 11, 2006

What is Chant Anyway?

People ask me on a regular basis what chant really is. Not to be confusing or evasive, but chant is actually many different things. Generally speaking, chant is a spoken or sung melody that is usually fairly short, usually rhythmic and usually repetitive. The words are usually affirming a belief system, such as in Gregorian, Buddhist, or Native American chant. Chant can also be spoken as in sports cheers. They are often repeated over and over. Think of the Atlanta Braves or the FSU Seminoles. They chant what they believe to be Indian-sounding chant and they do it over and over.

Whatever chant people do, they feel more connected as a result and they feel more committed to a common cause whether that be winning a football game or committing to be a better person. If you want to learn some easy chants, you can get my program on toning and chanting in CD, tape, or MP3 download format. Check it out!

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