Friday, February 16, 2007

Toning with Your Valentine

Many people simply do not realize the power of vibration in a romantic relationship. Of course there is a little device that uses the a variant of the word vibration (blush) but did you know that you can make your partner feel really good just with tone and sound vibrations? Try toning on each other's necks, backs, chests and anywhere else that inspiration suggests. You'll probably be pleasantly surprised!

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Sound Healing for Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day is just around the corner and the air is full of different expressions of love! People talk about "good vibrations" but it's true, we can feel good vibrations coming from people, from songs, from gifts. Everything that exists is made of molecules and atoms and since molecules and atoms are constantly moving around, everything is actually vibrating...even though we can't see it. The way those vibrations are felt or perceived by you has a lot to do with the intent of the person, the song, the reasons the gift was given.

Vibrations can be healing, they can also be damaging. This year let's all send out positive, loving, healing vibrations.