Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving: Let the Vibrations Begin!

Yesterday was Thanksgiving and many Americans enjoyed the healing vibrations of delicious food and loving conversation with family and friends. Can "non-musical" vibrations be healing or can only music be healing? I believe that the world is made of vibrations. A key element of what makes certain vibrations more healing than others is the intention behind the vibration. If food is prepared with love and energy is expended with love then the result is healing vibrations. I think we know this intuitively because something as simple as a smile or a need or a pat on the back can do wonders for both the giver and the receiver.

Think about that this holiday season. You don't have to give expensive gifts, buy fancy foods or go to expensive concerts (although I enjoy doing that if possible!) in order to enjoy the healing vibrations of the season and of every day! I offer this very special healing music package to you:

Please keep your eyes on all my blogs this season for tips on using music to enhance every aspect of holidays and the family experience!

Sunday, November 04, 2007

Kid's Drumming Circle a Big Hit

Yesterday I led a children's drumming circle at the Unity Church in downtown Louisville. It was part of the Rainbow Healing Festival and we had an awesome drum circle! The was one little boy there who was 3 and 1/2 years old. He had been very quiet through the first 30 minutes or so. I kept introducing chant after chant and finally he said "I know a song." We were thrilled that he wanted to teach us his song. Turns out it was "Old McDonald" done in pow-wow style! It was really cool. Then an 8 or 9 y.o. girl said that she knew a song she'd like to teach. Again, we were all thrilled that she was participating and going out on a limb. Turns out hers was "Moonlight Sonata" by Beethoven! We asked her to sing a little of it (and of course it has no words) and so she began playing one drum beat to each note she hummed. Sure enough, she was humming the Moonlight Sonata! I never thought I'd hear that at a drum circle but it was a beautiful thing! When's the last time you went to a drum circle??